PPM AMERICA INC/IL holdings history

17 is the total number of securities PPM AMERICA INC/IL has owned. The longest PPM AMERICA INC/IL has owned a single stock is 9 quarters.

PPM AMERICA INC/IL historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
MPLX MPLX LP991.19%14.09%39.86%Q3 2021Q3 20239
IHRT iHeartMedia Inc993.52%9.02%14.43%Q3 2021Q3 20239
CCO Clear Channel Outdoo990.91%5.28%12.93%Q3 2021Q3 20239
AMPY Amplify Energy Corp990.21%2.69%7.40%Q3 2021Q3 20239
DISH DISH Network Corp990.23%0.63%0.97%Q3 2021Q3 20239
USHY ISHARES BROAD USD HI7714.36%44.62%59.44%Q3 2021Q1 20237
SRLN SPDR BLACKSTONE/GSO666.10%17.23%38.45%Q3 2021Q4 20226
BKLN POWERSHARES SENIOR L661.22%6.54%9.65%Q3 2021Q4 20226
NAPA Duckhorn Portfolio I448.70%17.43%26.46%Q4 2022Q3 20234
SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRU1147.05%47.05%47.05%Q3 2021Q3 20211
Sangoma Technologies1120.10%20.10%20.10%Q3 2023Q3 20231
INSW International Seaways Inc1117.44%17.44%17.44%Q1 2022Q1 20221
LQD ISHARES IBOXX INVEST112.40%2.40%2.40%Q1 2023Q1 20231
ZeroFox Holdings Inc111.28%1.28%1.28%Q3 2023Q3 20231
AR Antero Resources Cor110.69%0.69%0.69%Q1 2022Q1 20221
METC Ramaco Resources Inc110.58%0.58%0.58%Q1 2022Q1 20221
AM Antero Midstream Cor110.31%0.31%0.31%Q1 2022Q1 20221

The securities at the top of the list , including MPLX LP, iHeartMedia Inc, and Clear Channel Outdoo, are the highest-conviction holdings of PPM AMERICA INC/IL.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by PPM AMERICA INC/IL. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that PPM AMERICA INC/IL owns currently or has owned in the past.