4 is the total number of securities MILLER GREEN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC /ADV has owned. The longest MILLER GREEN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC /ADV has owned a single stock is 3 quarters.

MILLER GREEN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC /ADV historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
QQQ INVESCO QQQ TR3342.47%45.26%47.45%Q2 2018Q4 20183
XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP3332.12%36.57%42.77%Q2 2018Q4 20183
BX BLACKSTONE GROUP L P3310.93%13.80%16.18%Q2 2018Q4 20183
AAPL APPLE INC333.83%4.37%5.03%Q2 2018Q4 20183

The securities at the top of the list , including INVESCO QQQ TR, EXXON MOBIL CORP, and BLACKSTONE GROUP L P, are the highest-conviction holdings of MILLER GREEN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC /ADV.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by MILLER GREEN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC /ADV. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that MILLER GREEN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC /ADV owns currently or has owned in the past.