Tyro Capital Management LLC holdings history

23 is the total number of securities Tyro Capital Management LLC has owned. The longest Tyro Capital Management LLC has owned a single stock is 3 quarters.

Tyro Capital Management LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
CCOI Cogent Communications ...338.91%10.77%13.72%Q4 2023Q2 20243
HWM Howmet Aerospace Inc.3310.22%10.57%10.95%Q4 2023Q2 20243
Roivant Sciences LTD338.36%9.37%10.65%Q4 2023Q2 20243
CROX Crocs, Inc.337.39%9.35%11.27%Q4 2023Q2 20243
CRH PLC337.42%8.95%11.33%Q4 2023Q2 20243
ROAD Construction Partners Inc337.49%8.50%9.26%Q4 2023Q2 20243
General Electric Co334.87%5.57%6.79%Q4 2023Q2 20243
GSM Ferroglobe PLC335.07%5.30%5.73%Q4 2023Q2 20243
IMVT Immunovant, Inc.331.34%2.05%3.00%Q4 2023Q2 20243
VVV Valvoline Inc.225.56%6.15%6.74%Q1 2024Q2 20242
MKSI MKS Instruments Inc.224.59%6.00%7.42%Q1 2024Q2 20242
GOOGL Alphabet Inc - CL A224.60%4.62%4.64%Q1 2024Q2 20242
UCTT Ultra Clean Holdings, ...221.16%1.60%2.03%Q1 2024Q2 20242
GPRE Green Plains, Inc.221.08%1.50%1.92%Q1 2024Q2 20242
ICHR Ichor Holdings220.98%1.30%1.61%Q1 2024Q2 20242
SHC Sotera Health Co1111.11%11.11%11.11%Q4 2023Q4 20231
TH Target Hospitality Corp117.95%7.95%7.95%Q4 2023Q4 20231
MITK Mitek Systems Inc116.51%6.51%6.51%Q4 2023Q4 20231
CRS Carpenter Technology C...115.32%5.32%5.32%Q2 2024Q2 20241
MDRX Veradigm Inc.115.23%5.23%5.23%Q1 2024Q1 20241
NICE Nice LTD114.64%4.64%4.64%Q4 2023Q4 20231
DESP Despegar.com Corp.114.22%4.22%4.22%Q2 2024Q2 20241
GE Vernova Inc.111.36%1.36%1.36%Q2 2024Q2 20241

The securities at the top of the list , including Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc., Howmet Aerospace Inc., and Roivant Sciences LTD, are the highest-conviction holdings of Tyro Capital Management LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Tyro Capital Management LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Tyro Capital Management LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.