Ashford Advisors, LLC holdings history

19 is the total number of securities Ashford Advisors, LLC has owned. The longest Ashford Advisors, LLC has owned a single stock is 12 quarters.

Ashford Advisors, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
IVV ISHARES TR121251.03%61.33%76.88%Q4 2020Q3 202312
VTI VANGUARD INDEX FDS121211.98%13.02%18.25%Q4 2020Q3 202312
SCHB SCHWAB STRATEGIC TR12124.16%4.90%7.44%Q4 2020Q3 202312
ACWI ISHARES TR12120.25%0.83%1.60%Q4 2020Q3 202312
DIA SPDR DOW JONES INDL AV...12120.41%0.49%0.74%Q4 2020Q3 202312
IWV ISHARES TR12120.17%0.43%1.14%Q4 2020Q3 202312
SDY SPDR SER TR12120.20%0.24%0.35%Q4 2020Q3 202312
IJH ISHARES TR12120.10%0.16%0.26%Q4 2020Q3 202312
VOO VANGUARD INDEX FDS12120.09%0.11%0.19%Q4 2020Q3 202312
FNDX SCHWAB STRATEGIC TR11116.55%10.06%12.04%Q1 2021Q3 202311
ESGV VANGUARD WORLD FD11110.36%0.92%1.37%Q1 2021Q3 202311
SCHX SCHWAB STRATEGIC TR668.90%9.63%10.27%Q2 2022Q3 20236
VTV VANGUARD INDEX FDS662.75%5.76%6.91%Q2 2022Q3 20236
EFA ISHARES TR660.78%1.03%1.16%Q2 2022Q3 20236
VEU VANGUARD INTL EQUITY I...440.09%0.10%0.12%Q4 2021Q3 20224
IHI ISHARES TR330.14%0.14%0.16%Q1 2022Q3 20223
XHE SPDR SER TR330.12%0.14%0.16%Q1 2022Q3 20223
VHT VANGUARD WORLD FDS220.46%0.53%0.60%Q4 2022Q1 20232
EMXC ISHARES INC220.15%0.15%0.15%Q2 2023Q3 20232

The securities at the top of the list , including ISHARES TR, VANGUARD INDEX FDS, and SCHWAB STRATEGIC TR, are the highest-conviction holdings of Ashford Advisors, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Ashford Advisors, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Ashford Advisors, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.