GP Brinson Investments LLC holdings history

19 is the total number of securities GP Brinson Investments LLC has owned. The longest GP Brinson Investments LLC has owned a single stock is 12 quarters.

GP Brinson Investments LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
VTI VANGUARD INDEX FDS121221.26%31.38%39.26%Q1 2021Q4 202312
VEA VANGUARD TAX-MANAGED I...121217.13%19.13%21.63%Q1 2021Q4 202312
VWO VANGUARD INTL EQUITY I...12126.50%7.50%8.37%Q1 2021Q4 202312
ORCC OWL ROCK CAPITAL CORPO...12121.79%4.86%6.69%Q1 2021Q4 202312
EPD ENTERPRISE PRODS PARTN...12123.40%4.82%5.68%Q1 2021Q4 202312
AAPL APPLE INC12123.84%4.75%6.15%Q1 2021Q4 202312
ARCC ARES CAPITAL CORP12120.98%3.93%5.76%Q1 2021Q4 202312
REET ISHARES TR12121.80%2.68%2.94%Q1 2021Q4 202312
KREF KKR REAL ESTATE FIN TR...12120.75%1.82%2.47%Q1 2021Q4 202312
CMG CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL...12121.02%1.22%1.62%Q1 2021Q4 202312
IIF MORGAN STANLEY INDIA I...12120.18%0.30%0.38%Q1 2021Q4 202312
FSK FS KKR CAP CORP11113.97%5.98%7.99%Q2 2021Q4 202311
SUI SUN CMNTYS INC11112.62%3.39%4.32%Q1 2021Q3 202311
EWJ ISHARES INC650.11%0.17%0.21%Q1 2021Q4 202311
CIM CHIMERA INVT CORP882.74%7.11%12.82%Q1 2021Q4 20228
AGG ISHARES TR662.99%5.58%13.25%Q3 2022Q4 20236
IEMG ISHARES INC661.47%1.77%2.12%Q1 2021Q2 20226
MPLX MPLX LP112.64%2.64%2.64%Q1 2021Q1 20211
VWOB VANGUARD WHITEHALL FDS112.62%2.62%2.62%Q4 2023Q4 20231

The securities at the top of the list , including VANGUARD INDEX FDS, VANGUARD TAX-MANAGED INTL FD, and VANGUARD INTL EQUITY INDEX F, are the highest-conviction holdings of GP Brinson Investments LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by GP Brinson Investments LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that GP Brinson Investments LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.