Unison Asset Management LLC holdings history

44 is the total number of securities Unison Asset Management LLC has owned. The longest Unison Asset Management LLC has owned a single stock is 12 quarters.

Unison Asset Management LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
BRKB BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...12128.20%9.55%10.76%Q4 2020Q3 202312
ANTM ELEVANCE HEALTH INC12125.87%6.98%8.38%Q4 2020Q3 202312
LOW LOWES COS INC12124.60%6.61%8.70%Q4 2020Q3 202312
FB META PLATFORMS INC12124.14%5.85%8.83%Q4 2020Q3 202312
CDW CDW CORP12124.33%5.03%5.63%Q4 2020Q3 202312
BAC BK OF AMERICA CORP12123.01%4.49%6.42%Q4 2020Q3 202312
ORLY OREILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC12122.48%4.34%5.43%Q4 2020Q3 202312
JPM JPMORGAN CHASE & CO12123.77%4.17%4.75%Q4 2020Q3 202312
CMCSA COMCAST CORP NEW12121.82%4.16%5.81%Q4 2020Q3 202312
AXP AMERICAN EXPRESS CO12123.27%3.84%4.36%Q4 2020Q3 202312
MSFT MICROSOFT CORP12122.95%3.75%4.63%Q4 2020Q3 202312
UNH UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC12123.18%3.72%4.63%Q4 2020Q3 202312
CVS CVS HEALTH CORP12122.57%3.47%4.20%Q4 2020Q3 202312
WFC WELLS FARGO CO NEW12122.52%3.26%3.69%Q4 2020Q3 202312
LMT LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP12121.60%2.94%3.89%Q4 2020Q3 202312
AAPL APPLE INC12121.92%2.77%3.58%Q4 2020Q3 202312
AMAT APPLIED MATLS INC12121.96%2.72%3.66%Q4 2020Q3 202312
V VISA INC12122.34%2.60%2.86%Q4 2020Q3 202312
LBRDA LIBERTY BROADBAND CORP12121.48%2.53%4.27%Q4 2020Q3 202312
NOC NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP12121.54%2.51%3.44%Q4 2020Q3 202312
GOOG ALPHABET INC12120.21%1.59%5.61%Q4 2020Q3 202312
GOOGL ALPHABET INC10104.37%6.31%9.39%Q2 2021Q3 202310
CRI CARTERS INC991.17%1.73%2.81%Q4 2020Q4 20229
LBRDK LIBERTY BROADBAND CORP880.45%2.37%3.03%Q4 2020Q3 20228
BABA ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD660.81%1.47%1.89%Q2 2021Q3 20226
NU HLDGS LTD551.07%2.56%4.61%Q3 2022Q3 20235
DV DOUBLEVERIFY HLDGS INC550.65%0.96%1.42%Q3 2022Q3 20235
TSLA TESLA INC550.42%0.69%0.98%Q3 2022Q3 20235
NTNX NUTANIX INC550.62%0.67%0.75%Q3 2022Q3 20235
UBER UBER TECHNOLOGIES INC550.18%0.65%1.63%Q3 2022Q3 20235
SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR550.36%0.37%0.40%Q3 2022Q3 20235
BRAZE INC550.30%0.37%0.43%Q3 2022Q3 20235
DXJ WISDOMTREE TR550.22%0.23%0.24%Q3 2022Q3 20235
DIS DISNEY WALT CO550.17%0.22%0.27%Q3 2022Q3 20235
NKE NIKE INC440.16%0.20%0.24%Q4 2022Q3 20234
HII HUNTINGTON INGALLS IND...331.63%1.98%2.19%Q4 2020Q2 20213
USB US BANCORP DEL221.40%1.48%1.55%Q4 2020Q1 20212
ADBE ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPOR...220.15%0.15%0.16%Q2 2023Q3 20232
AMZN AMAZON COM INC220.13%0.14%0.14%Q2 2023Q3 20232
GM GENERAL MTRS CO112.82%2.82%2.82%Q4 2020Q4 20201
BX BLACKSTONE GROUP INC111.58%1.58%1.58%Q4 2020Q4 20201
LUV SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO111.47%1.47%1.47%Q4 2020Q4 20201
ALK ALASKA AIR GROUP INC111.32%1.32%1.32%Q4 2020Q4 20201
GS GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC110.17%0.17%0.17%Q4 2022Q4 20221

The securities at the top of the list , including BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC DEL, ELEVANCE HEALTH INC, and LOWES COS INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Unison Asset Management LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Unison Asset Management LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Unison Asset Management LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.