Nationwide Asset Management LLC holdings history

27 is the total number of securities Nationwide Asset Management LLC has owned. The longest Nationwide Asset Management LLC has owned a single stock is 16 quarters.

Nationwide Asset Management LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
ACWI MSCI ACWI ETF16160.20%22.09%72.24%Q4 2019Q3 202316
LQD ISHARES TR16160.02%5.19%56.80%Q4 2019Q3 202316
IGIB ISHS 5-10YR INVT16160.05%4.64%13.33%Q4 2019Q3 202316
ORCC OWL ROCK CAPITAL CORPO...15154.69%15.75%96.85%Q4 2019Q2 202315
VCLT VANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS13130.22%15.27%26.15%Q4 2019Q4 202213
IGSB ISHS 1-5YR INVS830.45%11.71%23.26%Q2 2020Q3 202311
EFA MSCI EAFE ETF10100.41%24.22%42.60%Q4 2019Q1 202210
EMB JPMORGAN USD EMG10100.40%21.79%38.48%Q2 2020Q3 202210
HYG ISHARES TR880.01%0.14%0.34%Q4 2019Q3 20218
TLT ISHARES TR770.35%1.43%2.54%Q1 2022Q3 20237
SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR440.19%0.25%0.37%Q1 2020Q4 20204
NOBLE CORP PLC221.24%1.74%2.23%Q2 2023Q3 20232
NOBLE CORP PLC221.14%1.54%1.94%Q2 2023Q3 20232
IWD ISHARES TR1122.16%22.16%22.16%Q4 2019Q4 20191
MGA MAGNA INTL INC113.55%3.55%3.55%Q2 2021Q2 20211
INFY INFOSYS LTD113.31%3.31%3.31%Q2 2021Q2 20211
BPOP POPULAR INC112.76%2.76%2.76%Q2 2021Q2 20211
TD TORONTO DOMINION BK ONT112.23%2.23%2.23%Q2 2021Q2 20211
GDX VANECK VECTORS ETF TR112.04%2.04%2.04%Q1 2022Q1 20221
JAZZ JAZZ PHARMACEUTICALS PLC111.96%1.96%1.96%Q2 2021Q2 20211
MEOH METHANEX CORP111.82%1.82%1.82%Q2 2021Q2 20211
CCEP COCA-COLA EUROPACIFIC ...111.61%1.61%1.61%Q2 2021Q2 20211
HYEM VANECK ETF TRUST111.40%1.40%1.40%Q3 2021Q3 20211
LIN LINDE PLC111.39%1.39%1.39%Q2 2021Q2 20211
AMCR AMCOR PLC111.19%1.19%1.19%Q2 2021Q2 20211
EEM ISHARES TR110.92%0.92%0.92%Q4 2020Q4 20201
IWM ISHARES TR110.68%0.68%0.68%Q4 2020Q4 20201

The securities at the top of the list , including MSCI ACWI ETF, ISHARES TR, and ISHS 5-10YR INVT, are the highest-conviction holdings of Nationwide Asset Management LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Nationwide Asset Management LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Nationwide Asset Management LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.