Rings Capital Management holdings history

12 is the total number of securities Rings Capital Management has owned. The longest Rings Capital Management has owned a single stock is 20 quarters.

Rings Capital Management historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
MSFT MICROSOFT CORP20208.56%12.85%26.56%Q4 2018Q3 202320
SPGI S&P GLOBAL INC171715.93%41.80%47.13%Q4 2018Q4 202217
MCO MOODYS CORP13434.59%38.46%44.86%Q4 2018Q3 202317
FB META PLATFORMS INC13130.24%2.14%2.50%Q4 2018Q4 202113
HRB BLOCK H & R INC13130.51%1.37%2.08%Q3 2020Q3 202313
BK BANK NEW YORK MELLON CORP911.60%3.92%15.06%Q2 2019Q4 202212
KMX CARMAX INC540.64%6.51%19.99%Q2 2020Q3 20239
WFC WELLS FARGO CO NEW661.50%5.26%7.50%Q4 2018Q1 20206
FDX FEDEX CORP660.63%0.94%1.16%Q1 2020Q2 20216
MOODYS CORP3337.72%42.59%51.62%Q1 2022Q3 20223
CHKP CHECK POINT SOFTWARE T...3318.88%20.11%22.00%Q1 2023Q3 20233
BANK NEW YORK MELLON CORP112.20%2.20%2.20%Q2 2022Q2 20221

The securities at the top of the list , including MICROSOFT CORP, S&P GLOBAL INC, and MOODYS CORP, are the highest-conviction holdings of Rings Capital Management.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Rings Capital Management. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Rings Capital Management owns currently or has owned in the past.