Baines Creek Capital, LLC holdings history

36 is the total number of securities Baines Creek Capital, LLC has owned. The longest Baines Creek Capital, LLC has owned a single stock is 2 quarters.

Baines Creek Capital, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
LGCY LEGACY RESVS INC2231.89%42.98%54.06%Q4 2018Q1 20192
SLB SCHLUMBERGER LTD225.24%8.37%11.49%Q4 2018Q1 20192
AAPL APPLE INC225.86%6.13%6.40%Q4 2018Q1 20192
MSFT MICROSOFT CORP226.06%6.07%6.08%Q4 2018Q1 20192
AMZN AMAZON COM INC225.68%5.93%6.18%Q4 2018Q1 20192
BRY BERRY PETE CORP222.31%3.99%5.67%Q4 2018Q1 20192
DVN DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW221.82%3.21%4.61%Q4 2018Q1 20192
FB FACEBOOK INC222.51%2.53%2.56%Q4 2018Q1 20192
INTC INTEL CORP221.87%1.95%2.03%Q4 2018Q1 20192
APA APACHE CORP221.14%1.94%2.74%Q4 2018Q1 20192
CSCO CISCO SYS INC221.68%1.76%1.83%Q4 2018Q1 20192
XEC CIMAREX ENERGY CO220.99%1.52%2.05%Q4 2018Q1 20192
MTDR MATADOR RES CO220.90%1.47%2.04%Q4 2018Q1 20192
CRZO CARRIZO OIL & GAS INC220.90%1.36%1.81%Q4 2018Q1 20192
WLL WHITING PETE CORP NEW220.66%1.02%1.38%Q4 2018Q1 20192
NBL NOBLE ENERGY INC220.58%0.98%1.38%Q4 2018Q1 20192
RRC RANGE RES CORP220.60%0.93%1.27%Q4 2018Q1 20192
PE PARSLEY ENERGY INC220.52%0.84%1.15%Q4 2018Q1 20192
PDCE PDC ENERGY INC220.43%0.75%1.07%Q4 2018Q1 20192
CHK CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP220.40%0.73%1.06%Q4 2018Q1 20192
KOS KOSMOS ENERGY LTD220.30%0.56%0.82%Q4 2018Q1 20192
ESV ENSCO PLC220.10%0.47%0.83%Q4 2018Q1 20192
SD SANDRIDGE ENERGY INC220.31%0.45%0.58%Q4 2018Q1 20192
SRCI SRC ENERGY INC220.28%0.42%0.56%Q4 2018Q1 20192
LPI LAREDO PETROLEUM INC220.33%0.42%0.51%Q4 2018Q1 20192
CVIAQ COVIA HLDGS CORP220.20%0.40%0.59%Q4 2018Q1 20192
ECA ENCANA CORP220.17%0.28%0.38%Q4 2018Q1 20192
AR ANTERO RES CORP220.19%0.26%0.33%Q4 2018Q1 20192
CRRTQ CARBO CERAMICS INC220.16%0.22%0.29%Q4 2018Q1 20192
HKRSQ HALCON RES CORP220.15%0.18%0.22%Q4 2018Q1 20192
DNRCQ DENBURY RES INC220.07%0.12%0.16%Q4 2018Q1 20192
BRSWQ BRISTOW GROUP INC220.03%0.04%0.04%Q4 2018Q1 20192
CDEV CENTENNIAL RESOURCE DE...220.02%0.02%0.03%Q4 2018Q1 20192
GOOG ALPHABET INC112.88%2.88%2.88%Q4 2018Q4 20181
GPORQ GULFPORT ENERGY CORP110.52%0.52%0.52%Q4 2018Q4 20181
CMCSA COMCAST CORP NEW110.06%0.06%0.06%Q1 2019Q1 20191

The securities at the top of the list , including LEGACY RESVS INC, SCHLUMBERGER LTD, and APPLE INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Baines Creek Capital, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Baines Creek Capital, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Baines Creek Capital, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.