Discerene Group LP holdings history

20 is the total number of securities Discerene Group LP has owned. The longest Discerene Group LP has owned a single stock is 12 quarters.

Discerene Group LP historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
SLB SCHLUMBERGER LTD121211.64%23.29%36.38%Q4 2020Q3 202312
WU WESTERN UN CO12128.86%14.51%23.81%Q4 2020Q3 202312
SABR SABRE CORP12120.38%3.54%8.83%Q4 2020Q3 202312
CCU COMPANIA CERVECERIAS U...12121.06%3.52%5.40%Q4 2020Q3 202312
HAL HALLIBURTON CO12120.05%1.65%6.62%Q4 2020Q3 202312
TEO TELECOM ARGENTINA SA12120.39%0.78%1.95%Q4 2020Q3 202312
TKC TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZM...12120.22%0.60%1.54%Q4 2020Q3 202312
VSTWSA VISTRA CORP12120.00%0.00%0.01%Q4 2020Q3 202312
UBER UBER TECHNOLOGIES INC11113.42%9.01%15.62%Q1 2021Q3 202311
KOF COCA-COLA FEMSA SAB DE CV10100.58%1.14%2.42%Q2 2021Q3 202310
TAL TAL EDUCATION GROUP991.31%3.70%5.92%Q3 2021Q3 20239
BABA ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD8819.76%24.28%29.19%Q4 2021Q3 20238
CDK CDK GLOBAL INC771.66%15.00%27.88%Q4 2020Q2 20227
IAA IAA INC773.35%13.46%23.56%Q2 2021Q4 20227
NEW ORIENTAL ED & TECH...663.65%6.15%9.51%Q2 2022Q3 20236
EDU NEW ORIENTAL ED & TECH...331.94%4.64%6.48%Q3 2021Q1 20223
RB GLOBAL INC223.37%7.83%12.28%Q2 2023Q3 20232
RBA RITCHIE BROS AUCTIONEERS1115.84%15.84%15.84%Q1 2023Q1 20231
JD JD.COM INC115.77%5.77%5.77%Q3 2023Q3 20231
DIDI DIDI GLOBAL INC110.08%0.08%0.08%Q1 2022Q1 20221

The securities at the top of the list , including SCHLUMBERGER LTD, WESTERN UN CO, and SABRE CORP, are the highest-conviction holdings of Discerene Group LP.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Discerene Group LP. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Discerene Group LP owns currently or has owned in the past.