Bluescape Energy Partners LLC holdings history

10 is the total number of securities Bluescape Energy Partners LLC has owned. The longest Bluescape Energy Partners LLC has owned a single stock is 24 quarters.

Bluescape Energy Partners LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
NRG NRG ENERGY INC242423.80%66.87%100.00%Q4 2017Q3 202324
REPX Riley Exploration Perm...111116.06%27.19%41.31%Q1 2021Q3 202311
EVRG EVERGY INC101016.72%31.10%41.03%Q2 2021Q3 202310
TAC TransAlta Corporation882.10%8.64%12.39%Q4 2019Q3 20218
CNP CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC3316.61%21.66%26.78%Q4 2020Q2 20213
ETR Entergy Corporation337.64%14.18%21.90%Q2 2019Q4 20193
VERDE CLEAN FUELS INC330.58%0.90%1.13%Q1 2023Q3 20233
XCOOQ EXCO Resources Inc220.18%0.27%0.35%Q4 2017Q1 20182
METALS ACQUISITION LIM...114.82%4.82%4.82%Q3 2023Q3 20231
TXO PARTNERS LP110.35%0.35%0.35%Q3 2023Q3 20231

The securities at the top of the list , including NRG ENERGY INC, Riley Exploration Permian Inc, and EVERGY INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Bluescape Energy Partners LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Bluescape Energy Partners LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Bluescape Energy Partners LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.