Parus Finance SA holdings history

30 is the total number of securities Parus Finance SA has owned. The longest Parus Finance SA has owned a single stock is 3 quarters.

Parus Finance SA historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
AAPL APPLE INC3310.88%11.29%11.86%Q4 2011Q2 20123
GOOGL GOOGLE INC337.46%8.52%10.53%Q4 2011Q2 20123
V VISA INC336.53%7.56%8.71%Q4 2011Q2 20123
PCLN PRICELINE COM INC336.20%6.77%7.34%Q4 2011Q2 20123
AXP AMERICAN EXPRESS CO336.12%6.34%6.73%Q4 2011Q2 20123
COF CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP334.79%5.56%6.13%Q4 2011Q2 20123
MA MASTERCARD INC334.66%5.19%5.72%Q4 2011Q2 20123
AMZN AMAZON COM INC333.90%4.56%5.38%Q4 2011Q2 20123
FFIV F5 NETWORKS INC333.40%3.90%4.23%Q4 2011Q2 20123
EBAY EBAY INC332.73%3.81%4.82%Q4 2011Q2 20123
VMW VMWARE INC333.39%3.57%3.85%Q4 2011Q2 20123
RHT RED HAT INC332.70%3.44%3.95%Q4 2011Q2 20123
QCOM QUALCOMM INC333.19%3.43%3.59%Q4 2011Q2 20123
BAC BANK OF AMERICA CORPOR...330.39%3.41%5.47%Q4 2011Q2 20123
GS GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC333.06%3.32%3.65%Q4 2011Q2 20123
SNDK SANDISK CORP331.57%3.23%5.28%Q4 2011Q2 20123
EMC E M C CORP MASS332.91%3.10%3.31%Q4 2011Q2 20123
CHKP CHECK POINT SOFTWARE T...332.35%2.64%2.79%Q4 2011Q2 20123
WFC WELLS FARGO & CO NEW331.61%2.06%2.35%Q4 2011Q2 20123
NTAP NETAPP INC331.34%1.72%1.99%Q4 2011Q2 20123
JPM JPMORGAN CHASE & CO331.29%1.39%1.52%Q4 2011Q2 20123
VDSI VASCO DATA SEC INTL INC331.17%1.35%1.58%Q4 2011Q2 20123
OPEN OPENTABLE INC331.00%1.12%1.20%Q4 2011Q2 20123
BRCM BROADCOM CORP330.66%0.90%1.32%Q4 2011Q2 20123
GDOT GREEN DOT CORP220.26%0.31%0.37%Q4 2011Q1 20122
HPQ HEWLETT PACKARD CO112.76%2.76%2.76%Q4 2011Q4 20111
PHM PULTE GROUP INC111.02%1.02%1.02%Q2 2012Q2 20121
OVTI OMNIVISION TECHNOLOGIE...110.41%0.41%0.41%Q4 2011Q4 20111
TOL TOLL BROTHERS INC110.34%0.34%0.34%Q2 2012Q2 20121
LNKD LINKEDIN CORP110.30%0.30%0.30%Q2 2012Q2 20121

The securities at the top of the list , including APPLE INC, GOOGLE INC, and VISA INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Parus Finance SA.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Parus Finance SA. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Parus Finance SA owns currently or has owned in the past.