Think Investments LLC holdings history

13 is the total number of securities Think Investments LLC has owned. The longest Think Investments LLC has owned a single stock is 1 quarters.

Think Investments LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
BABA ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD1114.28%14.28%14.28%Q4 2014Q4 20141
AAPL APPLE INC1114.23%14.23%14.23%Q4 2014Q4 20141
APPLE INC1111.78%11.78%11.78%Q4 2014Q4 20141
DOOR MASONITE INTL CORP NEW1111.00%11.00%11.00%Q4 2014Q4 20141
HTZ HERTZ GLOBAL HOLDINGS INC119.68%9.68%9.68%Q4 2014Q4 20141
TARO TARO PHARMACEUTICAL IN...118.27%8.27%8.27%Q4 2014Q4 20141
SIX SIX FLAGS ENTMT CORP NEW117.60%7.60%7.60%Q4 2014Q4 20141
BIDU BAIDU INC116.32%6.32%6.32%Q4 2014Q4 20141
ATHM AUTOHOME INC114.53%4.53%4.53%Q4 2014Q4 20141
TNET TRINET GROUP INC114.52%4.52%4.52%Q4 2014Q4 20141
P PANDORA MEDIA INC114.07%4.07%4.07%Q4 2014Q4 20141
ONVO ORGANOVO HLDGS INC113.56%3.56%3.56%Q4 2014Q4 20141
UNIS UNILIFE CORP NEW110.16%0.16%0.16%Q4 2014Q4 20141

The securities at the top of the list , including ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD, APPLE INC, and APPLE INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Think Investments LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Think Investments LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Think Investments LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.