PW Partners Capital Management LLC holdings history

10 is the total number of securities PW Partners Capital Management LLC has owned. The longest PW Partners Capital Management LLC has owned a single stock is 4 quarters.

PW Partners Capital Management LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
TACO DEL TACO RESTAURANTS INC4432.30%42.90%52.68%Q4 2015Q3 20164
BJRI BJS RESTAURANTS INC4430.86%40.10%52.02%Q4 2015Q3 20164
CLUBQ TOWN SPORTS INTL HLDGS...443.10%10.30%13.73%Q4 2015Q3 20164
DAVE FAMOUS DAVES AMER INC442.34%2.66%2.87%Q4 2015Q3 20164
MX MAGNACHIP SEMICONDUCTO...330.84%1.99%2.69%Q4 2015Q2 20163
CONN CONNS INC221.55%3.77%5.98%Q4 2015Q1 20162
SCSS SELECT COMFORT CORP220.57%0.64%0.72%Q4 2015Q1 20162
HMTV HEMISPHERE MEDIA GROUP...220.36%0.37%0.37%Q4 2015Q1 20162
AAPL APPLE INC110.39%0.39%0.39%Q4 2015Q4 20151
IWM ISHARES TR110.25%0.25%0.25%Q4 2015Q4 20151

The securities at the top of the list , including DEL TACO RESTAURANTS INC, BJS RESTAURANTS INC, and TOWN SPORTS INTL HLDGS INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of PW Partners Capital Management LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by PW Partners Capital Management LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that PW Partners Capital Management LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.