Water Oak Advisors LLC holdings history

30 is the total number of securities Water Oak Advisors LLC has owned. The longest Water Oak Advisors LLC has owned a single stock is 26 quarters.

Water Oak Advisors LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
EWN iShares MSCI Netherlan...26260.73%4.53%13.37%Q2 2014Q3 202026
EWD iShares MSCI Sweden ETF26260.99%4.16%11.70%Q2 2014Q3 202026
EWQ iShares MSCI France ETF26261.05%4.12%9.64%Q2 2014Q3 202026
VOO Vanguard Index Fds S&P...25256.93%32.40%44.54%Q3 2014Q3 202025
GMF SPDR S&P Emerging Asia...2053.37%7.86%22.31%Q2 2014Q3 202025
EWP iShares MSCI Spain Cap...2410.65%3.49%9.78%Q2 2014Q3 202025
VB Vanguard Index FDS Sma...23238.59%14.20%18.46%Q1 2015Q3 202023
EWL iShares MSCI SZ CAP ETF2210.76%4.02%8.45%Q2 2014Q3 202023
ILF Ishares TR LATN AMER 4...1210.86%3.73%20.81%Q2 2014Q3 202023
EWG iShares MSCI GERMANY ETF1711.98%4.86%10.14%Q2 2014Q3 202022
ENZL iShares NW Zealand CP ETF1810.11%1.45%8.90%Q2 2014Q3 202022
EWC iShares MSCI CDA ETF1410.71%2.68%4.78%Q2 2014Q3 202020
EWA iShares MSCI AUST ETF1210.71%2.01%4.28%Q2 2014Q3 202020
EWJ iShares INC MSCI JPN E...16163.41%7.09%9.94%Q4 2016Q3 202016
EWI iShares INC MSCI ITL E...1410.50%1.25%5.36%Q4 2016Q3 202015
EWU iShares TR MSCI UK ETF...14142.99%5.54%7.88%Q2 2017Q3 202014
EEM iShares TR MSCI EMG MK...1210.99%1.32%1.67%Q2 2017Q3 202013
EWI iShares MSCI Italy Cap...10103.62%7.00%10.60%Q2 2014Q3 201610
DXJ Wisdomtree TR Japan He...441.18%4.21%7.47%Q3 2014Q3 20168
HEWG iShares TR HDG MSCI Germn313.98%7.08%9.32%Q2 2015Q2 20164
EWU iShares TR MSCI UTD KNGDM310.69%1.06%1.73%Q1 2015Q3 20164
IVV iShares Core S&P 500 ETF332.19%4.38%6.59%Q2 2014Q4 20143
BNDX Vanguard Charlotte FDS...110.61%10.59%20.56%Q3 2014Q4 20152
PSQ Proshares TR Short QQQ...226.87%7.73%8.59%Q3 2016Q4 20162
ACWI iShares TR MSCI ACWI ETF220.82%1.04%1.25%Q1 2017Q2 20172
DJP Barclays BK PLC DJUBS ...115.84%5.84%5.84%Q1 2016Q1 20161
HEEM iShares INC CUR HD MSC...115.33%5.33%5.33%Q3 2015Q3 20151
EWJ Ishares MSCI Japan ETF115.01%5.01%5.01%Q3 2015Q3 20151
IEF iShares TR 7-10 Y TR B...113.50%3.50%3.50%Q3 2014Q3 20141
iShares TR MSCI UTD KNGDM110.77%0.77%0.77%Q1 2016Q1 20161

The securities at the top of the list , including iShares MSCI Netherlands ETF, iShares MSCI Sweden ETF, and iShares MSCI France ETF, are the highest-conviction holdings of Water Oak Advisors LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Water Oak Advisors LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Water Oak Advisors LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.