Alibaba Group Holding Ltd holdings history

16 is the total number of securities Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has owned. The longest Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has owned a single stock is 32 quarters.

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
WB WEIBO CORP323218.94%43.12%71.30%Q4 2015Q3 202332
MOMO MOMO INC24242.61%10.86%22.14%Q4 2015Q3 202124
BEST BEST INC20200.33%4.04%9.54%Q3 2017Q2 202220
BILI BILIBILI INC191912.45%33.82%57.03%Q1 2019Q3 202319
GRPN GROUPON INC18183.25%18.00%53.14%Q4 2015Q1 202018
XPEV XPENG INC131310.02%18.15%29.68%Q3 2020Q3 202313
DIBS 1STDIBS COM INC10100.90%1.44%2.39%Q2 2021Q3 202310
CTK COOTEK CAYMAN INC10100.08%0.59%1.59%Q4 2019Q1 202210
HELLO GROUP INC883.55%9.00%16.02%Q4 2021Q3 20238
LYFT LYFT INC6614.30%20.49%26.01%Q3 2019Q4 20206
ME 23ANDME HOLDING CO550.43%0.79%1.37%Q3 2022Q3 20235
PERFECT CORP447.47%9.92%11.78%Q4 2022Q3 20234
GRPN GROUPON INC442.53%2.82%3.22%Q2 2020Q1 20214
MARIADB PLC440.46%1.24%2.76%Q4 2022Q3 20234
BEST INC330.17%0.24%0.31%Q3 2022Q1 20233
BEST INC220.21%0.22%0.23%Q2 2023Q3 20232

The securities at the top of the list , including WEIBO CORP, MOMO INC, and BEST INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Alibaba Group Holding Ltd owns currently or has owned in the past.