Deer VII & Co. Ltd. holdings history

18 is the total number of securities Deer VII & Co. Ltd. has owned. The longest Deer VII & Co. Ltd. has owned a single stock is 26 quarters.

Deer VII & Co. Ltd. historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
VSTM VERASTEM INC26260.48%19.22%89.88%Q2 2013Q3 201926
PRTO PROTEON THERAPEUTICS INC20200.10%4.63%25.51%Q4 2014Q3 201920
WIX WIX COM LTD111113.13%46.32%92.42%Q4 2013Q2 201611
CERU CERULEAN PHARMA INC11110.10%0.71%5.03%Q2 2014Q4 201611
FVRR FIVERR INTERNATIONAL LTD.101074.89%94.43%100.00%Q2 2019Q3 202110
ALNA ALLENA PHARMACEUTICALS...10102.15%34.92%83.81%Q4 2017Q1 202010
TWOU 2U INC10100.79%15.11%29.52%Q2 2014Q3 201610
OVAS OVASCIENCE INC992.83%17.85%45.62%Q2 2013Q2 20159
ESTC ELASTIC N.V.660.88%1.51%2.20%Q4 2019Q1 20216
TWTR TWITTER INC660.01%0.07%0.21%Q3 2014Q4 20156
SHOP SHOPIFY INC4470.70%72.61%75.22%Q4 2015Q3 20164
DOCU DOCUSIGN INC.4438.37%48.65%54.07%Q2 2018Q1 20194
XLRN ACCELERON PHARMA INC441.68%5.87%9.94%Q4 2013Q3 20144
INSM INSMED INC440.63%4.90%13.37%Q2 2013Q1 20144
CRTO CRITEO S A3333.30%34.94%38.17%Q4 2013Q2 20143
LOV SPARK NETWORKS SE223.63%8.34%13.06%Q3 2019Q4 20192
AOL AOL INC220.81%6.64%12.47%Q3 2013Q4 20132
MB MINDBODY INC1112.69%12.69%12.69%Q4 2016Q4 20161

The securities at the top of the list , including VERASTEM INC, PROTEON THERAPEUTICS INC, and WIX COM LTD, are the highest-conviction holdings of Deer VII & Co. Ltd..

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Deer VII & Co. Ltd.. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Deer VII & Co. Ltd. owns currently or has owned in the past.