Red Rocks Capital LLC holdings history

24 is the total number of securities Red Rocks Capital LLC has owned. The longest Red Rocks Capital LLC has owned a single stock is 9 quarters.

Red Rocks Capital LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
BX BLACKSTONE GROUP L P9917.20%20.26%25.78%Q2 2013Q2 20159
KKR KKR & CO L P DEL9915.41%17.73%19.55%Q2 2013Q2 20159
CG CARLYLE GROUP L P998.10%15.64%18.64%Q2 2013Q2 20159
BAM BROOKFIELD ASSET MGMT INC993.50%12.35%18.77%Q2 2013Q2 20159
OAK OAKTREE CAP GROUP LLC990.00%3.16%6.68%Q2 2013Q2 20159
APO APOLLO GLOBAL MGMT LLC614.26%13.21%17.19%Q2 2013Q2 20157
DHR DANAHER CORP DEL777.05%8.71%11.40%Q4 2013Q2 20157
CSWC CAPITAL SOUTHWEST CORP550.52%4.06%6.38%Q4 2013Q4 20145
LUK LEUCADIA NATL CORP320.00%2.60%4.90%Q2 2013Q2 20155
CODI COMPASS DIVERSIFIED HO...320.00%1.89%5.12%Q3 2013Q2 20155
ACAS AMERICAN CAP LTD337.99%9.30%11.70%Q2 2013Q4 20133
ARCC ARES CAP CORP334.21%5.21%6.42%Q4 2014Q2 20153
ARES ARES MGMT L P330.31%2.39%4.32%Q4 2014Q2 20153
MIC MACQUARIE INFRASTR CO LLC330.00%0.00%0.01%Q4 2014Q2 20153
BIP BROOKFIELD INFRAST PAR...330.00%0.00%0.01%Q4 2014Q2 20153
GSVC GSV CAP CORP330.00%0.00%0.01%Q4 2014Q2 20153
SLRC SOLAR CAP LTD330.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2014Q2 20153
FSFR FIFTH STR SR FLOATNG R...330.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2014Q2 20153
TCRD THL CR INC330.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2014Q2 20153
AINV APOLLO INVT CORP330.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2014Q2 20153
APOLLO GLOBAL MGMT LLC226.76%8.96%11.16%Q4 2014Q1 20152
ICGE ICG GROUP INC226.30%6.47%6.63%Q2 2013Q3 20132
ALLEGHANY CORP DEL220.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2014Q1 20152
Y ALLEGHANY CORP DEL110.01%0.01%0.01%Q2 2015Q2 20151

The securities at the top of the list , including BLACKSTONE GROUP L P, KKR & CO L P DEL, and CARLYLE GROUP L P, are the highest-conviction holdings of Red Rocks Capital LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Red Rocks Capital LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Red Rocks Capital LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.