Mast Capital Management, LLC holdings history

21 is the total number of securities Mast Capital Management, LLC has owned. The longest Mast Capital Management, LLC has owned a single stock is 6 quarters.

Mast Capital Management, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
IWM ISHARES TR331.78%42.87%92.86%Q3 2013Q3 20156
GCA GLOBAL CASH ACCESS HLD...665.15%30.92%81.80%Q1 2014Q2 20156
BXE BELLATRIX EXPLORATION LTD660.15%4.90%12.24%Q3 2013Q4 20146
SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR311.00%27.78%80.50%Q2 2013Q4 20155
GNCMA GENERAL COMMUNICATION INC551.72%22.43%39.96%Q1 2014Q1 20155
FESLQ FORBES ENERGY SVCS LTD410.05%0.21%0.51%Q1 2014Q4 20155
MLNK MODUSLINK GLOBAL SOLUT...449.34%11.33%14.30%Q1 2015Q4 20154
HELI CHC GROUP LTD441.90%8.13%21.91%Q2 2014Q1 20154
ASC ARDMORE SHIPPING CORP443.24%7.38%11.00%Q1 2014Q4 20144
MLNK MODUSLINK GLOBAL SOLUT...441.34%3.82%5.99%Q1 2014Q4 20144
FSTO FOREST OIL CORP332.38%3.33%4.13%Q2 2013Q4 20133
EVRI EVERI HLDGS INC2262.42%62.75%63.08%Q3 2015Q4 20152
UPIP UNWIRED PLANET INC NEW2222.10%24.29%26.49%Q3 2015Q4 20152
TWI TITAN INTL INC ILL227.66%7.70%7.74%Q2 2013Q3 20132
SWY SAFEWAY INC225.02%7.05%9.07%Q2 2013Q3 20132
IWM ISHARES TR1116.18%16.18%16.18%Q2 2013Q2 20131
BHI BAKER HUGHES INC1111.89%11.89%11.89%Q1 2014Q1 20141
CCI CROWN CASTLE INTL CORP115.33%5.33%5.33%Q2 2013Q2 20131
GG GOLDCORP INC NEW114.13%4.13%4.13%Q2 2013Q2 20131
GG GOLDCORP INC NEW111.65%1.65%1.65%Q2 2013Q2 20131
CLW CLEARWATER PAPER CORP110.31%0.31%0.31%Q4 2013Q4 20131

The securities at the top of the list , including ISHARES TR, GLOBAL CASH ACCESS HLDGS INC, and BELLATRIX EXPLORATION LTD, are the highest-conviction holdings of Mast Capital Management, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Mast Capital Management, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Mast Capital Management, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.