Chou Associates Management filings

This page lists the SEC filings reported by Chou Associates Management.

SEC filings by Chou Associates Management (ownership)
TypeFiledFilerSubjectShares OwnedPercent Owned
SC 13G2020-04-13Chou Associates Management Inc.Resolute Forest Products Inc.-6.1%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2017-02-13Chou Associates Management Inc.Ascent Capital Group, Inc.517,3194.3%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2017-02-13Chou Associates Management Inc.Resolute Forest Products Inc.7,190,3958.0%EDGAR
SC 13G2016-02-16Chou Associates Management Inc.SEARS HOMETOWN & OUTLET STORES, INC.1,519,2226.7%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2016-02-10Chou Associates Management Inc.Resolute Forest Products Inc.6,931,8817.8%EDGAR
SC 13G2016-02-10Chou Associates Management Inc.Ascent Capital Group, Inc.648,3335.3%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2015-07-30Chou Associates Management Inc.Resolute Forest Products Inc.6,317,1716.7%EDGAR
SC 13G2015-07-27Chou Associates Management Inc.Resolute Forest Products Inc.6,317,1719.7%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2014-02-13Chou Associates Management Inc.OVERSTOCK.COM, INC597,2712.5%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2013-02-15Chou Associates Management Inc.OVERSTOCK.COM, INC2,310,2099.9%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2013-02-15Chou Associates Management Inc.MCCLATCHY CO00.0%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2010-02-12Chou Associates Management Inc.MEDIA GENERAL INC949,0824.3%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2010-02-12Chou Associates Management Inc.MCCLATCHY CO1,777,6013.0%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2009-02-13Chou Associates Management Inc.MEDIA GENERAL INC2,052,1179.2%EDGAR
SC 13G2008-08-25Chou Associates Management Inc.MCCLATCHY CO5,571,0779.7%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2008-07-17Chou Associates Management Inc.OVERSTOCK.COM, INC2,352,46510.3%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2008-02-14Chou Associates Management Inc.OVERSTOCK.COM, INC2,323,9999.8%EDGAR
SC 13G2007-12-20Chou Associates Management Inc.MEDIA GENERAL INC1,166,8175.3%EDGAR
SC 13G2007-02-14Chou Associates Management Inc.OVERSTOCK.COM, INC2,323,9999.9%EDGAR
Form 13F-HR
The 13F-HR report is filed quarterly to report securities held by the filer that fall under the SEC's 13F rules.
Form SC 13D/G
Reported by persons and groups who own 5% or more of any class of a company's outstanding shares. If the ownership changes by 1% or more, an amendment must be filed.
Form 3, 4, and 5
Form 3, 4, and 5 reports are filed to report insider transactions by company officers and directors, and any beneficial owners of more than ten percent of a company's shares. Form 3 is the initial report that must be filed when a person becomes an officer, director, or beneficial owner. Form 4 reports are used to report changes in ownership, while the Form 5 report is used for reporting transactions that should have been reported earlier in a Form 4 filing.