Ionic Capital Management LLC filings

This page lists the SEC filings reported by Ionic Capital Management LLC.

SEC filings by Ionic Capital Management LLC (ownership)
TypeFiledFilerSubjectShares OwnedPercent Owned
SC 13G/A2024-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCLightning eMotors, Inc.238,0763.5%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2024-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCOppFi Inc.380,5202.1%EDGAR
SC 13G2024-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCJet.AI Inc.528,0385.4%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2023-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCAST SpaceMobile, Inc.3,518,7684.8%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2023-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCBurgerFi International, Inc.1,060,9314.6%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2023-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCLightning eMotors, Inc.4,761,5295.0%EDGAR
SC 13G2023-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCOppFi Inc.1,155,6937.5%EDGAR
SC 13G2022-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCAST SpaceMobile, Inc.3,076,7895.6%EDGAR
SC 13G2022-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCBurgerFi International, Inc.1,160,9315.2%EDGAR
SC 13G2022-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCLightning eMotors, Inc.4,743,9126.0%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2015-02-13Ionic Capital Management LLCGENCORP INC2,754,7054.4%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2015-02-13Ionic Capital Management LLCLIN Media LLC00.0%EDGAR
SC 13G2014-03-31Ionic Capital Management LLCLIN Media LLC1,751,3415.1%EDGAR
SC 13G2014-02-10Ionic Capital Management LLCGENCORP INC3,135,7905.1%EDGAR
SC 13G2011-03-21Ionic Capital Management LLCMEDIFAST INC877,581-EDGAR
SC 13G/A2011-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCInfuSystem Holdings, Inc912,0944.4%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2011-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCMillennium India Acquisition CO Inc.-0.0%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2011-02-14Ionic Capital Management LLCSUPERTEX INC-0.0%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2010-02-16Ionic Capital Management LLCHIGHBURY FINANCIAL INC-0.0%EDGAR
SC 13G/A2010-02-16Ionic Capital Management LLCMillennium India Acquisition CO Inc.611,659-EDGAR
Form 13F-HR
The 13F-HR report is filed quarterly to report securities held by the filer that fall under the SEC's 13F rules.
Form SC 13D/G
Reported by persons and groups who own 5% or more of any class of a company's outstanding shares. If the ownership changes by 1% or more, an amendment must be filed.
Form 3, 4, and 5
Form 3, 4, and 5 reports are filed to report insider transactions by company officers and directors, and any beneficial owners of more than ten percent of a company's shares. Form 3 is the initial report that must be filed when a person becomes an officer, director, or beneficial owner. Form 4 reports are used to report changes in ownership, while the Form 5 report is used for reporting transactions that should have been reported earlier in a Form 4 filing.