Goodwood Inc. Q3 2009 significant ownership

Goodwood Inc. is required to file a 13D/G report to the SEC when the ownership of a company's total stock issue exceeds 5%.

Goodwood Inc. Q3 2009 significant holdings filed using form 13D/G when ownership exceeds 5% of a company's total stock issue.
FiledShares Percentage
CENVEO, INCFebruary 17, 20091,630,0003.0%
GAIAM, INCFebruary 17, 2009593,5653.2%
WESTAIM CORPDecember 22, 2008? ?
GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO INCFebruary 15, 2008955,0001.7%
NATURAL HEALTH TRENDS CORPFebruary 14, 2007119,0001.4%
CREO INCFebruary 07, 2005860,1541.5%

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