Tesuji Partners holdings history

23 is the total number of securities Tesuji Partners has owned. The longest Tesuji Partners has owned a single stock is 22 quarters.

Tesuji Partners historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
ST Sensata Technologies222215.46%29.70%55.71%Q2 2013Q3 201822
TDG TDG17179.79%14.85%23.15%Q3 2014Q3 201817
NLSN NLSN131314.42%19.83%25.79%Q3 2015Q3 201813
IHS IHS Inc13132.04%13.32%24.49%Q2 2013Q2 201613
VRX VALENT PHARMACUETICALS9911.32%14.84%17.93%Q3 2013Q3 20159
GOOGL GOOGL668.05%9.94%11.88%Q2 2017Q3 20186
FB FB668.28%9.66%11.14%Q2 2017Q3 20186
4945SC Kinder Morgan Energy666.55%7.68%8.48%Q2 2013Q3 20146
KMR Kinder Morgan Mnge665.74%6.90%8.50%Q2 2013Q3 20146
EQIX559.24%11.27%13.32%Q2 2014Q2 20155
ESRX ESRX559.44%10.84%12.46%Q1 2014Q1 20155
KMI KMI317.18%18.13%23.71%Q4 2014Q2 20164
GOOGL Google Inc4411.01%12.06%13.12%Q2 2013Q1 20144
EMC EMC Corp449.32%11.98%15.55%Q2 2013Q1 20144
SPGI SPGI4410.42%11.61%12.12%Q4 2017Q3 20184
MA Master Card Inc3319.28%26.16%33.28%Q2 2013Q4 20133
NLSN NLSN3314.16%16.02%18.83%Q4 2014Q2 20153
2108SC El Paso Pipeline Partners332.79%3.49%4.01%Q2 2013Q4 20133
INFO INFO220.99%14.00%27.02%Q3 2016Q4 20162
SAF221.19%3.33%5.48%Q2 2018Q3 20182
AIR221.14%3.02%4.91%Q2 2018Q3 20182
EQIX EQIX1111.19%11.19%11.19%Q3 2015Q3 20151
QCOM QualComm Inc1110.04%10.04%10.04%Q2 2013Q2 20131

The securities at the top of the list , including Sensata Technologies, TDG, and NLSN, are the highest-conviction holdings of Tesuji Partners.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Tesuji Partners. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Tesuji Partners owns currently or has owned in the past.