SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD holdings history

21 is the total number of securities SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD has owned. The longest SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD has owned a single stock is 17 quarters.

SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
PAM PAMPA ENERGIA S A171734.30%73.02%100.00%Q1 2015Q1 201917
EEM ISHARES TR7227.66%55.37%100.00%Q2 2013Q2 20219
GGAL GRUPO FINANCIERO GALIC...716.79%28.29%34.24%Q1 2015Q2 20188
BMA BANCO MACRO SA716.90%26.51%32.36%Q1 2015Q2 20188
ITQ ITIQUIRA ACQUISITION CORP7718.87%45.16%59.88%Q2 2021Q4 20227
ITQRW ITIQUIRA ACQUISITION CORP770.02%0.55%1.04%Q2 2021Q4 20227
EWZ ITIQUIRA ACQUISITION CORP4211.12%35.24%100.00%Q1 2020Q3 20216
SPROTT FDS TR4439.87%56.15%100.00%Q2 2022Q1 20234
URNM EXCHANGE TRADED CONCEP...4412.41%29.22%48.95%Q2 2021Q1 20224
PBR PETROLEO BRASILEIRO SA...2115.26%27.20%42.31%Q3 2014Q4 20214
VALE VALE S A3329.11%44.21%71.36%Q4 2020Q2 20213
YY INC3327.35%37.69%46.08%Q2 2014Q4 20143
EMB ISHARES TR217.24%24.15%40.83%Q4 2019Q3 20213
VALEP VALE S A225.59%9.67%13.74%Q3 2013Q4 20132
JINKOSOLAR HLDG CO LTD225.53%6.33%7.13%Q2 2013Q3 20132
0110.00%0.00%0.00%Q2 2019Q2 20232
PBRA PETROLEO BRASILEIRO SA...1192.76%92.76%92.76%Q4 2019Q4 20191
SUNTECH PWR HLDGS CO LTD1141.48%41.48%41.48%Q3 2013Q3 20131
HYG ISHARES TR1137.86%37.86%37.86%Q1 2020Q1 20201
PETROLEO BRASILEIRO SA...119.36%9.36%9.36%Q2 2013Q2 20131
TSM TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR M...118.61%8.61%8.61%Q4 2013Q4 20131

The securities at the top of the list , including PAMPA ENERGIA S A, ISHARES TR, and GRUPO FINANCIERO GALICIA S A, are the highest-conviction holdings of SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that SPINNAKER CAPITAL LTD owns currently or has owned in the past.