Newfleet Asset Management, LLC holdings history

13 is the total number of securities Newfleet Asset Management, LLC has owned. The longest Newfleet Asset Management, LLC has owned a single stock is 7 quarters.

Newfleet Asset Management, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
EMB ISHARES TR774.50%26.21%90.70%Q4 2020Q2 20227
IHRT IHEARTMEDIA INC770.26%3.69%10.73%Q4 2020Q2 20227
HYD VANECK VECTORS ETF TR660.15%41.71%79.04%Q4 2020Q1 20226
BKLN INVESCO EXCH TRADED FD...663.47%12.56%37.63%Q4 2020Q1 20226
NAC NUVEEN CA QUALTY MUN I...660.29%3.63%14.66%Q4 2020Q1 20226
EVM EATON VANCE CALIF MUN ...660.16%2.03%8.22%Q4 2020Q1 20226
CEV EATON VANCE CALIF MUN ...660.01%0.19%0.82%Q4 2020Q1 20226
CCO CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR ...550.19%0.78%1.14%Q4 2020Q4 20215
HYG ISHARES TR330.24%24.26%43.99%Q4 2020Q2 20213
JNK SPDR SER TR332.45%11.73%28.99%Q4 2020Q2 20213
SJNK SPDR SER TR221.46%1.47%1.48%Q1 2021Q2 20212
LQD ISHARES TR1115.20%15.20%15.20%Q4 2020Q4 20201
LEA LEAR CORP110.02%0.02%0.02%Q1 2021Q1 20211

The securities at the top of the list , including ISHARES TR, IHEARTMEDIA INC, and VANECK VECTORS ETF TR, are the highest-conviction holdings of Newfleet Asset Management, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Newfleet Asset Management, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Newfleet Asset Management, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.