RBS Partners holdings history

14 is the total number of securities RBS Partners has owned. The longest RBS Partners has owned a single stock is 34 quarters.

RBS Partners historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
AN AUTONATION INC343422.82%43.13%69.30%Q2 2013Q3 202134
LE LANDS END INC NEW303010.80%24.47%45.20%Q2 2014Q3 202130
SHOS SEARS HOMETOWN & OUTLE...26261.62%3.91%8.46%Q2 2013Q3 201926
SRG SERITAGE GROWTH PPTYS2211.06%3.84%6.10%Q3 2015Q2 202123
SHLDQ SEARS HLDGS CORP22226.65%34.71%58.21%Q2 2013Q3 201822
SHLWQ SEARS HLDGS CORP16160.03%2.30%5.39%Q4 2014Q3 201816
GPS GAP INC DEL710.54%6.58%14.46%Q2 2013Q4 201613
SRSCQ SEARS CDA INC11113.46%7.80%11.68%Q4 2014Q2 201711
IBM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS...511.50%5.76%8.59%Q4 2014Q3 20166
0440.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2021Q3 20224
FOSL FOSSIL GROUP INC220.51%0.53%0.54%Q2 2016Q3 20162
STX SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY PLC111.16%1.16%1.16%Q2 2016Q2 20161
HOSSQ HORNBECK OFFSHORE SVCS...110.35%0.35%0.35%Q4 2016Q4 20161
WAC WALTER INVT MGMT CORP110.32%0.32%0.32%Q4 2016Q4 20161

The securities at the top of the list , including AUTONATION INC, LANDS END INC NEW, and SEARS HOMETOWN & OUTLET STOR, are the highest-conviction holdings of RBS Partners.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by RBS Partners. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that RBS Partners owns currently or has owned in the past.