Inflection Point Investments LLP holdings history

12 is the total number of securities Inflection Point Investments LLP has owned. The longest Inflection Point Investments LLP has owned a single stock is 3 quarters.

Inflection Point Investments LLP historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
UDEMY, INC. CMN3314.76%16.34%18.53%Q4 2023Q2 20243
ITRN ITURAN LOCATION & CONT...3314.00%16.21%17.76%Q4 2023Q2 20243
CARG CARGURUS, INC. CMN3314.86%16.06%17.40%Q4 2023Q2 20243
KRNT KORNIT DIGITAL LTD. CMN3314.40%14.69%14.93%Q4 2023Q2 20243
PINS PINTEREST INC CMN CLASS A3310.40%12.62%15.78%Q4 2023Q2 20243
COUR COURSERA INC. CMN331.60%7.99%12.58%Q4 2023Q2 20243
RDCM RADCOM LTD CMN334.23%6.07%6.99%Q4 2023Q2 20243
Trivago330.25%0.47%0.67%Q4 2023Q2 20243
PATH UIPATH, INC. CMN CLASS A228.69%8.79%8.88%Q4 2023Q1 20242
ACVA ACV Auctions Inc Cmn117.61%7.61%7.61%Q2 2024Q2 20241
CAMT CAMTEK LTD CMN111.82%1.82%1.82%Q2 2024Q2 20241
ONTO ONTO INNOVATION INC CMN111.65%1.65%1.65%Q2 2024Q2 20241

The securities at the top of the list , including UDEMY, INC. CMN, ITURAN LOCATION & CONTROL LTD CMN, and CARGURUS, INC. CMN, are the highest-conviction holdings of Inflection Point Investments LLP.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Inflection Point Investments LLP. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Inflection Point Investments LLP owns currently or has owned in the past.