Conifer Management holdings history

30 is the total number of securities Conifer Management has owned. The longest Conifer Management has owned a single stock is 16 quarters.

Conifer Management historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
YNDX YANDEX NV SHS16163.82%7.58%13.83%Q4 2019Q3 202316
IMXI INTERNATIONAL MNY EXPR...16160.72%3.00%6.18%Q4 2019Q3 202316
EQH EQUITABLE HOLDINGS INC15152.05%19.58%32.60%Q1 2020Q3 202315
BLDR BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE INC14148.29%14.89%20.95%Q4 2019Q1 202314
EVI EVI INDUSTRIES INC14140.18%0.32%0.50%Q1 2020Q2 202314
STLA STELLANTIS N.V111119.44%26.41%32.75%Q1 2021Q3 202311
JD JD.COM INC10105.06%7.14%12.48%Q4 2019Q1 202210
GTYH GTY TECHNOLOGY HOLDING...10100.80%1.99%3.05%Q4 2019Q1 202210
CRESW CRESUD S A C I F Y A10100.02%0.05%0.09%Q2 2021Q3 202310
SBGI SINCLAIR BROADCAST GRO...993.99%5.41%8.03%Q4 2019Q4 20219
RMNI RIMINI STR INC DEL990.80%2.22%3.80%Q3 2021Q3 20239
CRESY CRESUD S A C I F Y A880.13%0.19%0.29%Q4 2019Q3 20218
GTTN GTT COMMUNICATIONS INC770.48%1.51%2.32%Q4 2019Q2 20217
BABA ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD518.47%17.19%21.42%Q4 2019Q4 20216
FCAU FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBI...5515.86%21.13%26.33%Q4 2019Q4 20205
GOOGL ALPHABET INC551.28%12.89%27.45%Q4 2019Q4 20205
BMCH BMC STOCK HOLDINGS INC.554.38%7.36%10.39%Q4 2019Q4 20205
LMACU LIBERTY MEDIA ACQUISIT...550.27%0.59%0.70%Q1 2021Q1 20225
LAD LITHIA MTRS INC4412.45%18.21%23.36%Q4 2022Q3 20234
GPI GROUP 1 AUTOMOTIVE INC442.89%9.68%15.15%Q4 2022Q3 20234
SAIL SAILPOINT TECHNOLOGIES...442.16%4.22%5.41%Q4 2019Q3 20204
COF CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP441.13%1.20%1.31%Q3 2022Q2 20234
WTRH WAITR HLDGS INC330.05%0.19%0.27%Q4 2019Q2 20203
MNDY MONDAY COM LTD221.56%1.58%1.61%Q2 2022Q3 20222
BOOT BOOT BARN HLDGS INC221.38%1.41%1.44%Q2 2020Q3 20202
ANGI ANGI HOMESERVICES INC220.94%1.11%1.27%Q2 2020Q3 20202
GRUB GRUBHUB INC112.42%2.42%2.42%Q1 2021Q1 20211
EQH AXA EQUITABLE HLDGS INC112.14%2.14%2.14%Q4 2019Q4 20191
KMX CARMAX INC111.16%1.16%1.16%Q1 2020Q1 20201
PRI PRIMERICA INC110.21%0.21%0.21%Q1 2020Q1 20201

The securities at the top of the list , including YANDEX NV SHS, INTERNATIONAL MNY EXPRESS IN, and EQUITABLE HOLDINGS INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Conifer Management.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Conifer Management. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Conifer Management owns currently or has owned in the past.