Rings Capital Management - RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES CORP ownership

RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES CORP's ticker is RTX and the CUSIP is 75513E101. A total of 2,466 filers reported holding RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES CORP in Q2 2024. The put-call ratio across all filers is 0.59 and the average weighting 0.4%.


Raytheon Technologies Corp is a leading aerospace and defense company that provides advanced technologies and services to customers worldwide. The company was formed in April 2020 through the merger of Raytheon Company and United Technologies Corporation.

Raytheon Technologies Corp operates in four business segments: Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon Intelligence & Space, and Raytheon Missiles & Defense. The company's products and services include aircraft engines, avionics, cybersecurity solutions, missile defense systems, and more.

One of the company's recent achievements is the successful test of its hypersonic weapon system. The system, which can travel at speeds of Mach 5 or higher, has the potential to revolutionize the defense industry. Raytheon Technologies Corp is also working on developing advanced technologies for space exploration, including propulsion systems and satellite components.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Raytheon Technologies Corp has continued to perform well financially. In the third quarter of 2021, the company reported net sales of $18.5 billion, an increase of 13% compared to the same period in the previous year.

Overall, Raytheon Technologies Corp is a strong player in the aerospace and defense industry, with a diverse portfolio of products and services and a commitment to innovation. Investors looking for exposure to this sector may want to consider adding the company to their portfolios.

It's important to note that this information is for educational purposes only and has not been fact-checked. As with any investment, it's important to do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Quarter-by-quarter ownership
Rings Capital Management ownership history of RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES CORP
Q2 2024$16,564,350
Q1 2024$16,092,450
Q4 2023$13,883,100165,0008.42%
Other shareholders
NameSharesValueWeighting ↓
JABODON PT CO 250,234$14,398,00012.72%
Soroban Capital Partners LP 13,928,962$801,472,0008.08%
USA MUTUALS ADVISORS, INC. 77,958$4,486,0007.50%
Clear Perspective Advisors, LLC 6,957$13,840,0006.50%
Holowesko Partners Ltd. 646,500$37,200,0006.26%
Bronson Point Management LLC 120,000$6,905,0005.53%
Canal Insurance CO 203,662$11,719,0004.71%
FIR TREE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 1,495,146$86,031,0004.34%
Connecticut Wealth Management, LLC 637,164$36,662,0004.05%
Saratoga Research & Investment Management 1,109,992$63,869,0003.83%
View complete list of RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES CORP shareholders