Lexington Partners L.P. holdings history

19 is the total number of securities Lexington Partners L.P. has owned. The longest Lexington Partners L.P. has owned a single stock is 13 quarters.

Lexington Partners L.P. historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
KDP KEURIG DR PEPPER INC131318.72%53.86%69.66%Q3 2020Q3 202313
XOGAQ EXTRACTION OIL AND GAS...920.55%74.83%100.00%Q4 2016Q1 202011
N-ABLE INC995.13%8.05%12.06%Q3 2021Q3 20239
SOLARWINDS CORP995.26%7.57%10.86%Q3 2021Q3 20239
SWI SOLARWINDS CORP7120.21%33.16%80.02%Q4 2018Q2 20218
DNUT KRISPY KREME INC886.23%8.55%10.83%Q4 2021Q3 20238
COMP COMPASS INC882.48%7.36%27.10%Q3 2021Q2 20238
AVTR AVANTOR INC7725.16%41.96%63.27%Q4 2019Q2 20217
DNB DUN & BRADSTREET HLDGS...5518.16%20.38%23.34%Q4 2021Q4 20225
WBA WALGREENS BOOTS ALLIAN...44100.00%100.00%100.00%Q4 2015Q3 20164
DELL DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC229.06%20.97%32.88%Q4 2019Q1 20202
SNDX SYNDAX PHARMACEUTICALS...110.28%0.32%0.35%Q4 2020Q3 20212
DOCS DOXIMITY INC112.19%2.19%2.19%Q3 2022Q3 20221
UBER UBER TECHNOLOGIES INC110.90%0.90%0.90%Q4 2020Q4 20201
NGM NGM BIOPHARMACEUTICALS...110.73%0.73%0.73%Q2 2022Q2 20221
ISEE IVERIC BIO INC110.61%0.61%0.61%Q2 2020Q2 20201
MORF MORPHIC HLDG INC110.37%0.37%0.37%Q2 2023Q2 20231
OYST OYSTER PT PHARMA INC110.26%0.26%0.26%Q1 2021Q1 20211
ROVER GROUP INC110.23%0.23%0.23%Q2 2023Q2 20231

The securities at the top of the list , including KEURIG DR PEPPER INC, EXTRACTION OIL AND GAS INC, and N-ABLE INC, are the highest-conviction holdings of Lexington Partners L.P..

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Lexington Partners L.P.. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Lexington Partners L.P. owns currently or has owned in the past.