IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P. holdings history

7 is the total number of securities IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P. has owned. The longest IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P. has owned a single stock is 16 quarters.

IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P. historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
PDD PINDUODUO INC161688.55%95.61%98.71%Q4 2019Q3 202316
NIU NIU TECHNOLOGIES16160.01%0.49%1.99%Q4 2019Q3 202316
LITB LIGHTINTHEBOX HLDG CO LTD15150.66%1.12%1.63%Q1 2020Q3 202315
LAZR LUMINAR TECHNOLOGIES INC12120.33%1.44%3.06%Q4 2020Q3 202312
U UNITY SOFTWARE INC444.30%6.40%8.62%Q3 2020Q2 20214
NIO NIO INC330.72%0.85%1.00%Q4 2019Q2 20203
BITDEER TECHNOLOGIES G...220.12%0.15%0.18%Q2 2023Q3 20232

The securities at the top of the list , including PINDUODUO INC, NIU TECHNOLOGIES, and LIGHTINTHEBOX HLDG CO LTD, are the highest-conviction holdings of IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P..

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P.. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that IDG China Venture Capital Fund IV Associates L.P. owns currently or has owned in the past.