Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC holdings history

13 is the total number of securities Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC has owned. The longest Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC has owned a single stock is 24 quarters.

Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
DCP DCP MIDSTREAM PARTNERS LP24245.64%15.53%44.75%Q4 2010Q3 201624
CMLS CUMULUS MEDIA INC24242.26%9.00%34.75%Q4 2010Q3 201624
CHK CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP24242.60%8.14%15.51%Q4 2010Q3 201624
INTEQ INTELSAT S A141418.51%34.73%59.82%Q2 2013Q3 201614
ALTE ALTERRA CAPITAL HOLDIN...101022.94%39.96%67.29%Q4 2010Q1 201310
PRE PARTNERRE LTD9914.09%20.21%29.03%Q4 2010Q4 20129
SWN Soutwestern Energy Co88100.00%100.00%100.00%Q4 2021Q3 20238
SERV SERVICEMASTER GLOBAL H...5553.91%59.97%68.36%Q3 2014Q3 20155
HCA HCA HOLDINGS INC5516.00%34.93%44.18%Q1 2011Q1 20125
SSEIQ SEVENTY SEVEN ENERGY INC550.04%0.10%0.26%Q3 2014Q3 20155
ZBH ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS...1145.92%45.92%45.92%Q1 2016Q1 20161
MKL MARKEL CORP1124.69%24.69%24.69%Q2 2013Q2 20131
WIN WINDSTREAM CORP112.88%2.88%2.88%Q4 2010Q4 20101

The securities at the top of the list , including DCP MIDSTREAM PARTNERS LP, CUMULUS MEDIA INC, and CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP, are the highest-conviction holdings of Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Ridgemont Partners Management, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.