KPCB DGF Associates, LLC holdings history

17 is the total number of securities KPCB DGF Associates, LLC has owned. The longest KPCB DGF Associates, LLC has owned a single stock is 18 quarters.

KPCB DGF Associates, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
LC LendingClub Corporation18181.43%11.35%39.04%Q4 2014Q1 201918
SQ Square, Inc.161627.62%59.52%92.84%Q4 2015Q3 201916
ZNGA Zynga, Inc.14140.52%1.69%3.98%Q4 2013Q1 201714
LZ, Inc.101036.48%82.06%100.00%Q2 2021Q3 202310
JD, Inc.101021.83%35.33%49.59%Q2 2014Q3 201610
TWTR Twitter, Inc.8828.35%48.58%82.67%Q4 2013Q3 20158
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc.6657.24%86.79%100.00%Q2 2019Q3 20206
SNAP Snap Inc.665.01%19.39%26.75%Q1 2017Q2 20186
FEYE FireEye, Inc.558.61%10.99%15.63%Q4 2013Q4 20145
GRPN Groupon, Inc.442.53%4.36%5.84%Q4 2013Q3 20144
SKIL Skillsoft Corp.440.37%0.57%0.81%Q4 2022Q3 20234
Duolingo, Inc.3352.11%58.52%63.52%Q3 2021Q1 20223
TDOC Teladoc, Inc.336.08%15.18%20.27%Q3 2015Q1 20163
DOCU DocuSign, Inc.2231.05%33.12%35.18%Q2 2018Q3 20182
Spotify Technology S.A.2222.81%27.49%32.16%Q2 2018Q3 20182
SKILWS Skillsoft Corp.220.62%0.77%0.92%Q2 2022Q3 20222
FB Facebook, Inc.111.67%1.67%1.67%Q4 2013Q4 20131

The securities at the top of the list , including LendingClub Corporation, Square, Inc., and Zynga, Inc., are the highest-conviction holdings of KPCB DGF Associates, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by KPCB DGF Associates, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that KPCB DGF Associates, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.