Deccan Value Investors L.P. holdings history

31 is the total number of securities Deccan Value Investors L.P. has owned. The longest Deccan Value Investors L.P. has owned a single stock is 29 quarters.

Deccan Value Investors L.P. historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
HLF HERBALIFE NUTRITION LTD29294.74%21.25%40.45%Q1 2015Q1 202229
CHTR CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS...24246.48%15.90%25.71%Q2 2016Q1 202224
MSFT MICROSOFT CORP13116.44%15.26%25.52%Q1 2015Q2 202324
FOXA TWENTY FIRST CENTY FOX...17177.52%19.62%58.26%Q3 2013Q3 201717
GOOG ALPHABET INC17176.35%14.72%21.39%Q2 2019Q2 202317
FB META PLATFORMS INC16166.86%12.54%20.83%Q2 2018Q1 202216
TDG TRANSDIGM GROUP INC15157.82%19.55%100.00%Q1 2020Q3 202315
AXTA AXALTA COATING SYS LTD14147.17%14.96%17.85%Q4 2015Q1 201914
MA MASTERCARD INCORPORATED14142.19%12.23%22.12%Q1 2015Q2 201814
OTIS OTIS WORLDWIDE CORP131313.16%16.05%20.04%Q2 2020Q2 202313
CRM SALESFORCE INC13137.04%14.00%19.46%Q2 2020Q2 202313
ONE HIGHER ONE HLDGS INC12120.96%6.25%16.02%Q2 2013Q1 201612
NLSN NIELSEN HLDGS PLC11114.94%7.33%10.35%Q2 2017Q4 201911
WWD WOODWARD INC994.06%9.31%11.16%Q2 2020Q2 20229
GTX GARRETT MOTION INC880.58%4.84%8.05%Q3 2018Q2 20208
CCE COCA COLA ENTERPRISES ...7710.72%16.46%30.30%Q2 2013Q4 20147
V VISA INC6611.22%16.87%29.75%Q2 2013Q3 20146
EGL ENGILITY HLDGS INC669.02%12.67%15.59%Q2 2013Q3 20146
HERBALIFE LTD557.96%13.83%19.38%Q1 2015Q1 20165
TYC TYCO INTERNATIONAL LTD5510.85%13.03%15.13%Q2 2013Q2 20145
CST CST BRANDS INC5510.85%12.96%15.11%Q2 2013Q2 20145
BCO BRINKS CO446.82%8.73%10.18%Q2 2018Q1 20194
TWC TIME WARNER CABLE INC3325.18%28.29%31.34%Q3 2015Q1 20163
LW LAMB WESTON HLDGS INC337.23%7.61%7.90%Q4 2016Q2 20173
RPM RPM INTL INC210.91%4.91%7.82%Q1 2018Q4 20183
SBH SALLY BEAUTY HLDGS INC2210.65%11.00%11.35%Q2 2013Q3 20132
HERBALIFE LTD223.27%4.00%4.74%Q2 2016Q3 20162
NOW SERVICENOW INC223.91%3.99%4.08%Q4 2021Q1 20222
AVLR AVALARA INC222.82%3.09%3.36%Q4 2021Q1 20222
NWSA NEWS CORP1113.74%13.74%13.74%Q2 2013Q2 20131
WAB WABTEC111.63%1.63%1.63%Q1 2020Q1 20201

The securities at the top of the list , including HERBALIFE NUTRITION LTD, CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS INC N, and MICROSOFT CORP, are the highest-conviction holdings of Deccan Value Investors L.P..

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Deccan Value Investors L.P.. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Deccan Value Investors L.P. owns currently or has owned in the past.