Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC holdings history

33 is the total number of securities Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC has owned. The longest Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC has owned a single stock is 31 quarters.

Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
MA MASTERCARD INCORPORATED31313.75%7.87%14.67%Q4 2014Q2 202231
RACE FERRARI N V26267.05%10.97%21.30%Q1 2016Q2 202226
SRG SERITAGE GROWTH PPTYS26260.75%4.05%8.58%Q1 2016Q2 202226
WFC WELLS FARGO CO NEW26262.35%3.73%5.00%Q4 2014Q1 202126
MCO MOODYS CORP26261.58%3.03%5.40%Q1 2016Q2 202226
BRKB BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...23112.35%16.52%22.55%Q4 2014Q2 202224
FCAU FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOB...24245.56%14.96%22.41%Q4 2014Q3 202024
AXP AMERICAN EXPRESS CO23111.40%14.17%17.80%Q4 2014Q2 202224
BAC BK OF AMERICA CORP2316.99%11.23%15.98%Q4 2014Q2 202224
BRKA BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...2313.98%5.29%7.21%Q4 2014Q2 202224
GMWSB GENERAL MTRS CO17175.07%10.42%13.02%Q4 2014Q4 201817
WFCWS WELLS FARGO CO NEW16161.02%1.41%1.80%Q4 2014Q3 201816
C CITIGROUP INC15153.34%3.93%4.38%Q4 2014Q2 201815
PKX POSCO15150.04%2.22%2.96%Q4 2014Q2 201815
MU MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC12122.60%6.02%9.22%Q3 2019Q2 202212
BACWSA BANK OF AMERICA CORP911.48%2.33%2.79%Q4 2014Q4 201810
GOOGL ALPHABET INC990.77%0.93%1.06%Q2 2020Q2 20229
TOO TEEKAY OFFSHORE PARTNE...990.59%0.88%1.24%Q4 2017Q4 20199
TWTR TWITTER INC880.53%0.81%1.00%Q2 2020Q1 20228
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...7713.33%15.48%18.36%Q1 2015Q3 20167
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO7713.90%14.83%16.83%Q1 2015Q3 20167
BANK OF AMERICA CORP775.98%7.11%7.93%Q1 2015Q3 20167
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...774.28%4.96%5.87%Q1 2015Q3 20167
BANK OF AMERICA CORP771.00%1.26%1.53%Q1 2015Q3 20167
ENLC ENLINK MIDSTREAM LLC770.01%0.01%0.01%Q1 2016Q3 20177
ZINCQ HORSEHEAD HOLDING CORP552.16%8.02%12.79%Q4 2014Q4 20155
BABA ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD552.34%3.32%5.05%Q2 2021Q2 20225
DJCO DAILY JOURNAL CORP551.63%1.78%1.88%Q2 2021Q2 20225
TERP TERRAFORM PWR INC551.19%1.31%1.46%Q4 2017Q4 20185
TERP TERRAFORM PWR INC221.40%1.47%1.53%Q2 2017Q3 20172
CRESW CRESUD SA COMERCIAL220.00%0.00%0.00%Q4 2014Q1 20152
GS GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC113.92%3.92%3.92%Q4 2014Q4 20141
A309PS DIRECTV112.87%2.87%2.87%Q4 2014Q4 20141

The securities at the top of the list , including MASTERCARD INCORPORATED, FERRARI N V, and SERITAGE GROWTH PPTYS, are the highest-conviction holdings of Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Aquamarine Capital Management, LLC owns currently or has owned in the past.