Sageview Capital holdings history

15 is the total number of securities Sageview Capital has owned. The longest Sageview Capital has owned a single stock is 14 quarters.

Sageview Capital historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
EVER EVERBANK FINL CORP141457.83%77.99%95.85%Q2 2013Q3 201614
REN RESOLUTE ENERGY CORP12120.74%7.01%14.10%Q2 2013Q1 201612
REN RESOLUTE ENERGY CORP10100.60%47.63%100.00%Q2 2016Q3 201810
GPRO GOPRO INC10106.86%24.67%62.98%Q1 2015Q2 201710
ENVI ENVIVIO INC10101.37%2.19%4.11%Q2 2013Q3 201510
CIDM CINEDIGM CORP10100.04%0.13%0.20%Q4 2013Q1 201610
AVLR AVALARA INC5598.89%99.66%100.00%Q2 2018Q2 20195
N/A550.00%0.00%0.00%Q3 2019Q3 20205
SCOR COMSCORE INC441.48%13.50%19.33%Q2 2013Q1 20144
PTX PERNIX THERAPEUTICS HL...441.59%2.33%3.76%Q2 2013Q1 20144
CIDM CINEDIGM CORP440.03%0.14%0.31%Q2 2016Q1 20174
ACHI ACCRETIVE HEALTH INC222.88%3.83%4.77%Q2 2013Q3 20132
CIDM CINEDIGM DIGITAL CINEM...220.07%0.09%0.11%Q2 2013Q3 20132
AMH AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT114.53%4.53%4.53%Q3 2013Q3 20131
BCOV BRIGHTCOVE INC113.18%3.18%3.18%Q2 2013Q2 20131

The securities at the top of the list , including EVERBANK FINL CORP, RESOLUTE ENERGY CORP, and RESOLUTE ENERGY CORP, are the highest-conviction holdings of Sageview Capital.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Sageview Capital. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Sageview Capital owns currently or has owned in the past.