Dalal Street holdings history

28 is the total number of securities Dalal Street has owned. The longest Dalal Street has owned a single stock is 22 quarters.

Dalal Street historical holdings. Includes current and past holdings.
Period Weighting Quarter
TickerNameLongestShortestMin.Avg.Max.FirstLatest↓ Count
FCAU FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBI...22226.05%50.26%100.00%Q4 2014Q1 202022
MU MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC18188.39%60.59%99.98%Q4 2018Q1 202318
GMWSB GENERAL MTRS CO171718.26%23.31%27.78%Q2 2013Q2 201717
SRG SERITAGE GROWTH PPTYS1250.02%15.73%42.68%Q1 2016Q1 202317
ZINCQ HORSEHEAD HLDG CORP11113.42%16.15%25.29%Q2 2013Q4 201511
RACE FERRARI N V10106.69%11.77%17.94%Q1 2016Q2 201810
GOOG ALPHABET INC9912.43%14.78%16.16%Q4 2015Q4 20179
C CITIGROUP INC880.51%13.55%17.78%Q2 2013Q1 20158
BAC BANK OF AMERICA CORPOR...7710.19%18.43%22.90%Q2 2013Q4 20147
AER AERCAP HOLDINGS NV777.08%9.63%12.97%Q2 2016Q4 20177
WLRHU WL ROSS HLDG CORP770.04%2.47%4.42%Q3 2014Q1 20167
BRKB BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...430.18%1.48%3.54%Q1 2014Q2 20167
WLRH WL ROSS HLDG CORP770.10%0.49%0.85%Q3 2014Q1 20167
PKX POSCO663.49%10.84%17.10%Q2 2014Q3 20156
LUV SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO664.08%4.70%5.89%Q3 2016Q4 20176
CHK CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP554.32%14.57%18.40%Q2 2013Q2 20145
GS GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC553.48%4.19%5.09%Q2 2013Q2 20145
GOOG GOOGLE INC446.58%8.10%11.16%Q4 2014Q3 20154
GM GENERAL MTRS CO440.15%0.17%0.18%Q1 2014Q4 20144
EAF GRAFTECH INTL LTD3316.12%20.79%27.18%Q2 2019Q4 20193
BABA ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD334.45%13.40%21.13%Q1 2021Q3 20213
AMR ALPHA METALLURGICAL RE...2267.60%74.40%81.20%Q2 2023Q3 20232
CEIX CONSOL ENERGY INC NEW2218.80%21.66%24.53%Q2 2023Q3 20232
BROOKFIELD CORP2218.59%19.67%20.76%Q4 2022Q1 20232
ARCH ARCH RESOURCES INC117.87%7.87%7.87%Q3 2023Q3 20231
BAM BROOKFIELD ASSET MGMT INC117.46%7.46%7.46%Q3 2022Q3 20221
BROOKFIELD ASSET MANAG...114.24%4.24%4.24%Q4 2022Q4 20221
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC...112.02%2.02%2.02%Q3 2016Q3 20161

The securities at the top of the list , including FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBILES N, MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC, and GENERAL MTRS CO, are the highest-conviction holdings of Dalal Street.

The conviction is calculated by counting the number of quarters a security has been reported by Dalal Street. The higher the number, the higher the conviction and longer the holding period.

This page lists all the securities that Dalal Street owns currently or has owned in the past.